• MentalEdge
      1 year ago

      I’m implying nothing. I’m straight up stating that all of that good stuff, still leaves the fact that nvidia is actively fucking every other participant in the industry. Including the customer.

      Windows is just about the only thing they aren’t actively screwing with, because god forbid their biggest customer base had to deal with bugs. They might wake up and take a closer look at their BS.

      They are pricing out their board partners to the point EVGA said fuck it, were done. They are gouging their “budget” tier cards so hard they wont sell, and are too stubborn to course correct because they got used to that cryptobro money. They tried to buy ARM after being shunned by the mobile industry because tegra chips were a fucking mess to integrate. They lock basic features like nvfbc behind driver-side software locks so they only work with GFE.

      Literally every business partner nvidia has ever had, hates them. The only reason the industry at large isn’t even more hostile to them, is out of fear. Apple has straight up sworn off ever working with nvidia again.

      And you think Linux is the problem?