Google’s AI-driven Search Generative Experience have been generating results that are downright weird and evil, ie slavery’s positives.

    1 year ago

    Slavery was great for the slave owners, so what’s controversial about that?

    And yes, of course it’s economically awesome if people work without getting much money for it, again a huge plus for the bottom line of the companies.

    Capitalism is evil against people, not the AI…

    Hitler was also an effective leader, nobody can argue against that. How else could he conquer most of Europe? Effective is something that evil people can be also.

    That women in the article being shocked by this simply expected the AI to remove Hitler from all included leaders because he was evil. She is surprised that an evil person is included in effective leaders and she wanted to be shielded from that and wasn’t.

      101 year ago

      Hitler’s administration was a bunch of drug addicts, the economy 5 slave owner megacorps beaten by all other industrialized nations. They weren’t even all that well mobilized before the total war speech. Then he killed himself in embarrassment. How is any of that “effective”?

      • shuzuko
        101 year ago

        He was effective at getting a bunch of wannabe fascists to become full fascists and follow him into violent failure…

        -11 year ago

        He had taken power from his country, conquer pretty much the whole Europe and paralyzed England. He was effective leader till some point . And, of course, he was a abomination of a human.

    • Dark Arc
      -51 year ago

      Oh look another caricature of capitalism on social media… and you tied Hitler into it…

      Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, private property, property rights recognition, voluntary exchange, and wage labor.

      “Capitalism” is not pro slavery, shitty people that can’t recognize a human is a human are pro slavery… Because of course if you can have work done without paying somebody for it or doing it yourself, well that’s just really convenient for you. It’s why we all like robots. That has nothing to do with your economic philosophy.

      And arguing that Hitler was an “effective leader” because he conquered (and then lost) some countries while ignoring all the damage he did to his county and how it ultimately turned out… Honestly infuriating.

        71 year ago

        It’s amazing how low a wage you will voluntarily accept when the alternative is homelessness and starving to death.

        • Dark Arc
          01 year ago

          (I just deleted my comment, let me try again).

          I find it frustrating that you associate that with capitalism and presumably “not that” with socialism. These terms are so broad you can’t possibly say that outcome will or won’t ever happen with either system.

          Blaming capitalism for all the world’s woes is a major oversimplification.

          If you look at the theory side of both… Capitalist would tell you a highly competitive free market should provide ample opportunities for better employment and wages. Socialist would tell you that such a thing would never happen because society wouldn’t do that to itself.

          In practice, the real world is messier than that and the existing examples are the US (capitalist), the Soviet Union (socialist), and mixed models (Scandinavian). Granted, they’re all “mixed”, no country is “purely” one or the other to my knowledge.

        21 year ago

        Seems like people think everything America does is capitalism. The same thing happened with communism and socialism. The words have very little meaning now.