Sure why not? Add to the delicious medley of microplastics and persistent organic pollutants, what could go wrong!

  • Pili
    411 months ago

    No matter the quality, it’s still just fermented rape juice and the sellers should be put through the same horrors as the cows they exploit.

      -111 months ago

      it depends on the company, some of them treat decently the cattles, like in the biologico products and other small companies; Parmigiano Regiano is not a company but a type of cheese, ultimately the consumer has the choice to choose the products where animals are well treated

      the counterfeit products will bypass any of those choice, that’s why a certificate origin is important

          -111 months ago

          i think we’re shifting the focus of the main topic, that was the microchip inside the crust of the seasoned cheese, not the ethics of the cheese process, I don’t even eat cheese and I don’t agree with the industrial process of gathering the milk

          but at some point to survive you have to eat something animal, but you can choose the most ethical one, I buy the eggs of chickens of a local farmer where I can see that they can play in the grass; will I steal the human babies like I do with the eggs?, no! but I need to survive, and the vegan supplements creates more pollution and more health problems than a bunch of local eggs