Full article: https://imgur.com/a/JVKx6Rn

Selected excerpt:

The cluster munitions the Biden administration is sending to Ukraine are much older, and pose an even greater threat to civilians. The bomb is called the dual-purpose improved conventional munition, or DPICM, and production of it ended in the 1990s. The longer the munition stays in storage, the higher the “dud rate” — the share of bomblets that remain unexploded after a cluster bomb is fired. Biden’s decision to send the munitions — a choice he described as “difficult” — bypassed a U.S. law prohibiting the transfer of cluster munitions with a dud rate of more than 1 percent.

  • @Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    Easy fix: Send more conventional munition. Don’t stand there and criticize Ukraine for turning to easily available ammunition, when at no point in the war you were able to put Ukraine in a position where it could fire as much as russia does. Artillery is what wins offensives in this war, artillery is what saves the lives of your own soldiers, especially since western artillery is generally longer range than the russian one, it allows counter-battery fire and hitting supply trucks.

    And all that still ignores the fact that russia burned through their stock of cluster munitions liberally, even and specifically against civilian targets.