Former President Donald Trump’s supporters say they hold him as a source of true information over their family, friends, and religious leaders, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll out on Sunday.

    11 months ago

    My father is one of them. Because of his idiotic glorification and idol worship of trump, my family has told him to fuck off. Haven’t talked to him for almost 3 years now. He even believed the big lie

      3511 months ago

      Pretty much the same for my family. My parents were always hard right conspiracy types but it used to be that they still had something redeeming about them. I don’t like to remember the Thanksgiving Dinner of 2009, the last time we got together.

      Hey mom I am dating a girl and it is getting kinda serious. Also I finished that engineering degree and loving working in a big city. Plus you know I flew out here to see you guys. Can we maybe talk about something besides Obama being a Satan Muslim for like a minute? No?

      • I'm back on my BS 🤪
        1811 months ago

        same shit happened with my biological half-sister. i drove 16 hrs one-way to visit her. what does she want to talk about? making fun of transgenered people. i left early. never again will i visit her. i rather go to the beach.

        1111 months ago

        Yeah, tore my family apart too. So bad now that I’m pretty certain it’s irrepairable. Guess there was a lot of underlying issues but there always is with family right? This shit really just scratched the scab off and the pus came pouring out. Still though, I think family is fragile in many cases and you just make it work, but when something this polarizing comes around it can shift the balance enough to start a casastrophic cascade. The GOP is an ice-9 motherfucker right now. They turn everything they touch into complete shit.

        211 months ago

        I’ve found political hatred is actually one of the worst traps to fall into. Personally I thought some of obama’s policies were good, although implemented incorrectly. I was hoping trump would be similar, but he turned out the complete opposite. If it doesn’t involve making the rich richer he didn’t want anything to do with it.

        • GladiusB
          911 months ago

          I mean I get it. I don’t talk to my own dad (not political reasons). However I am a father myself and it would be really sad to raise my kid for him to just say “later” and never talk to me again. Then again I wouldn’t believe Trump and his cult. Still sad to think you could be alone because of something that has nothing to do with me.

            1211 months ago

            I agree, I feel sorry for the man getting lost like he did. But I will not raise my family around such a narcissistic attitude.

    • jimmydoreisalefty
      611 months ago

      It is sad to hear how we let the wealthy class and politicians divide us on culture wars and identity politics.

      We should be talking more to the people we don’t agree with and come together over class lines, working class vs. wealthy class.

      Trump and Sanders were both able to create a grassroots movement for a reason.

      Talking is the way to get to what we share in common, instead we focus on what we disagree on.

        11 months ago

        That’s a nice sentiment, but there’s no talking to these people. They WILL NOT listen to their family or friends. Any information they absorb must be from Fox News, Trump himself, or the other far right information platforms.

        They don’t live on the same level of logic that the rest of us do and approaching them with logic only angers and confuses them. They become belligerent, obtuse, and steadfast in their views. It can’t be broken through logic because it’s a cult and they’re not operating with logic.

        My father is also one of these people.

        011 months ago

        Unfortunately you are right. But haters and bigots don’t want to talk about bettering themselves, they want destruction of what they don’t like.

        I miss the 80’s and 90’s where people had their differences but listened to the other side without whataboutisms or evil rhetoric.