• Norgur
    11 months ago

    Yeah… exactly… except that I’ve never seen an embryo in neonatal care. Wonder if there’s a reason for that, Mr. “let’s make the horrific murder of born babies in the UK about fucking bipartisan US-Bullshit-Politics”
    Gosh, I hate those people.

    Edit: If you lot in New Religioustan as a society want to let women die because AbOrTiOnS aRe BaD… that’s your perogative. Your fucked up perogative, but your perogative. But… like… leave the rest of us alone, perhaps? You know… the part of the world where one upping “the other side” isn’t the whole deal in politics and the politicians with a hint of a soul get a say sometimes… We like our human rights and our actual freedom intact, thank you very much.

      • Norgur
        -211 months ago

        Oh, first of all: I’m not only talking about the UK, but in this setting that reduction is understandable
        Secondly: No, of course no place in the world is immune to this shit. None. But right now, many places in the world are not struggling with this shit at the same level and hopefully never will, so no need to infect each and every talk on the internet with US-Politics and the dire and gloomy things that go on over there.

    • Hank
      -411 months ago

      I’m actually German and it seems like you got a little bit bamboozled. Thank you for your participation.