• Dark Arc
    11 months ago

    That’s… Not at all right. Pour that bottled water into your well and see what happens.

    Putting purified water in a bottle seals it off from contamination. Your well doesn’t have that.

    It’s like sterile and sealed medical equipment vs something left out on the table for weeks on end.

    I’m no bottled water fanatic, but it’s not magical chemicals keeping the bottled water from growing bacteria.

    • @Fredselfish@lemmy.world
      011 months ago

      Damn sure is it fucking tap water that been flitered. Worked 20 years in the water industry don’t talk to me like I don’t know.

      So whatever in your tap water in your bottle water. No magic chemicals just good fashion chlorine same shit put in bleach.

      Hell some small water departments actually put bleach in the water I know been there when they did it.

      • Dark Arc
        11 months ago


        The point is the water stays clear (i.e. does not turn brown within a month) not because of chemicals but because it’s been sterilized (and then put in a sealed bottle). If it sterilization didn’t work, distilled water would have some serious issues.

        The water stays clean because it is free of bacteria (and also potentially free of the nutrients bacteria need to grow) … unlike well water which is often pulling from shallow wells which are not close to sterile.