At least, some of the recent controversies.

  • Dukeofdummies
    641 year ago

    I mean, it’s another example of the lack of attention to detail and rushing, but yeah.

    • Chariotwheel
      451 year ago

      Yeah, people keep making excuses for them.

      “There isn’t enough time, they have to eat and drink and sleep”

      Then delay the video until it’s done. That’s part of the core issues that kicked this whole episode off. Them rushing out videos without care.

        91 year ago

        Not trying to make excuses for them, I just think that picking on a low hanging fruit like the description which is more or less exactly the same for every video, feels a bit cheap to me. There are plenty of examples of them being in the wrong with far worse impact than that.

        51 year ago

        On YouTube, creators don’t earn anything unless a new video is released frequently. They have to sustain a huge corporation based on that. I think that it’s a bad decision to go for that income structure in the first place, but there they are.

        • QHC
          121 year ago

          They don’t “have” to do anything. LMG chose to hire dozens and then hundreds of people in an effort to grow as fast as possible. Linus could have prioritized accuracy or quality over quantity, but that would have made less money, so he didn’t.

            • QHC
              31 year ago

              Not entirely sure what you mean. Are you saying we should criticize YouTube for making the algorithm that creators have to cater to, and not LMG for bowing to the demands of that algorithm?

              If so, I agree that YouTube should be criticized, but that doesn’t excuse LMG. Plenty of other channels have chosen not to go all-in on quantity and they have likely suffered financially for that decision. That is exactly what I mean by “priorities”.

          61 year ago

          They chose to financially put themselves in a situation where they are forced to release content at that frequency because they chose to expand operations and drastically increase expenses compared to other channels. It’s their decisions that created the work cycle that is needed in pursuit of exponential growth over a more financially sustainable model that affords the luxury for a less hectic release schedule.

          It’s getting old seeing people keep making they have to do it this way when it is the situation they created for themselves.

          1 year ago

          It’s possible to release videos frequently while not rushing the production for each video. They’ll just need more editors and writers to spread the load. e.g. instead of 3 teams working on 3 videos in parallel and rushing them to finish in 3 days, they can have 6 teams working on 6 videos in 6 days to achieve similar output (releasing 1 video per day) without overworking the team while keeping the attention of detail high. GN even mentioned it in their video. LTT has over 100 full time employees already, so they definitely have the resource to scale up their production team.