Those non-violent protests shook them so bad they wanted to charge non-violent Quaker protestors with terrorism.

  • There are not enough, by far. At this point (thanks to scotus) we’ll need a new constitution just to reclaim democracy.

    That is all without considering what Trump is likely to cause in his second term. Scotus has ruled that a sitting president cannot, officially break the law. That is not a Republic. Scotus has ruled that money is speech, and so our positions on issues have less (/no) value. That is not democracy.

    I’m not trying to be a doomer, just realistic.

      16 days ago

      Yes, we are in agreement on the outlook. As they’ve been saying in Ukraine, “The situation is grim”. My point was more about continuing to fight on all fronts, including the political/legislative fronts.

      • I absolutely agree we shouldn’t give up on any political fronts. I just want people to understand that we can’t count on it, a page has turned… Anyway thanks for the chat.