The nearest abortion clinic – in Chicago – was too far away and too expensive for her mother to provide her with the procedure

    1181 year ago

    This is what Republicans want for all of us.

    If Republicans win the next election, they will institute a national abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest.

    If you want to stop this, the only way to do so is to vote for Biden. I really hope people understand this.

      511 year ago

      What it’s going to take is to vote in Biden, then whoever the Democrats run in 2028, 2032, 2036. Until enough of the Republican justices die in office that actual jurists can replace them.

      • DessertStorms
        -71 year ago

        It’s not even a way to stop them.
        Biden has literally been president during this whole Roe v Wade overturning.
        It’s so exhausting to see libs walk this line so close to being actual progressives, but not, all for their precious capitalism.
        You’re never going to beat the system by playing within the rules it’s set you, the house always wins.

            31 year ago

            He could have pushed to have it codified.

            He could have also pushed student loan forgiveness for all borrowers instead of the bullshit means testing that got it shut down.

              221 year ago

              Without 60 votes in the Senate, shit, without 50, it codification of abortion rights wasn’t happening. And he did push loan forgiveness, the Supreme Court shut that down.

                -141 year ago

                It got shut down because of the means testing he included. If he hadn’t excluded some borrowers it would have gone through.

                  171 year ago

                  Nope, it got shut down because the court ruled that it amounted to the executive appropriating money. Means testing is constitutional.

            • prole
              141 year ago

              It wasn’t the means testing that shut it down, if anything it wouldn’t have made it as far as it did without the means testing. As it is, people were already complaining that it was a giveaway to wealthy folks who don’t need it. Take away the income limit and it would have less than zero chance of succeeding.

              The president has very little power over legislative decisions. Yes, he could have used the bully pulpit to advocate for abortion legislation, but it would have accomplished nothing.

      01 year ago

      Why can’t Biden do something to safeguard abortion in his current term?

      If he can’t do something on his current term, why will he be able to do something on his next one?