Sad to see them go this way, but not unexpected, thanks to the article by Josef Prusa where he complains about open source.

    61 month ago

    Bamboo is a pretty good company for printers, do not lump them in with the glue drinkers at stratasys. Ive worked st many companys that own products from them, there the HP inkjet subscription nightmares. You gotta buy the speciality filliment from them that come in chartrages with a chip to verify its geninue filliment. You must buy the plastic replacment beds, which are 1 time use and roughly $5-$10 for them. Aswell the history of FFF is stalled by stratasys. They copy righted 3d printing in the late 80’s and actively striked down competitors by sueing them or buying them out. Until early 2000 where there patent started to ware out and the reprap movement took place.

    I will never buy a stratasys

      1 month ago

      Word, Stratotrash sucks butt. I just scraped the prints off that dumbass plate repeatedly. Plastic bed in a $40k printer, what a fuckin joke.