Mike Pence replied, “You better believe it,” when asked if he’s a “MAGA Republican”

  • @flossdaily@lemmy.world
    371 year ago

    Mike Pence understands that the monster he helped to build is no longer under his control. Almost every other Republican has come to the same conclusion.

    The easy fix would be for them to work with the Democrats to create a moderate coalition to get things done, including deprogramming the MAGA cult.

    Unfortunately, these Republican leaders have been drinking their own Kool-aid.

    Literally for decades if you walked into the office of any ticket Republican representative or senator, they’d have Fox News playing.

    It’s getting increasingly difficult to determine on what issues they are sincere, and on what issues they are knowingly manipulating their constituents.

    Like regarding COVID, Herman Cain literally killed himself because he believed the Republican bullshit about it being a “Democrat hoax”.

    Behind the scenes tapes indicate that Fox News anchors and Trump insiders knew full well that the Big Lie was a big lie.

    So it’s a blurry line trying to figure out who is genuinely stupid on each issue, and who is just happy to have their voters fooled by lies.

    The one place where they all seem to fall into line is their belief that Democrats are evil. They have collectively chosen fascism. It would take so few of them to destroy the fascist wing of their party, but time and again they side with them instead of Democrats.