    6 hours ago

    In what way is that accelerationist?

    If I were an accelerationist, I would want the US to overextend into as many conflicts as possible, and I would want those conflicts to last as long as possible, in order to weaken it. I don’t, because I’m not, because that’s a lie.

    • @Madison420@lemmy.world
      15 hours ago

      Do you have another phrase or word for advocating for Russian regional superiority knowing their intent on reunification of the former Soviet Union.

      That’s exactly what you are doing though bud, you just don’t seem to see it. The Ukrainian conflict wouldn’t end with Ukraine surrendering, Russia will simply move to the next country and force Ukrainians to fight for them.

      • OBJECTION!
        4 hours ago

        I don’t “know” their intent on reunification of the Soviet Union and neither do you. They say the same thing in every conflict we’ve ever been in, the enemy will keep expanding forever so we have no choice but to fight. Remember “Domino Theory” from Vietnam? How’d that play out? Remember how with the War on Terror, it was “If we don’t fight them over there, we’ll have to fight them over here.” Well, we’re not fighting them over there, so where are they? It’s the easiest propaganda line ever because you don’t need any evidence and you can apply it to anyone under any circumstances.

        As for a word for what you’re describing “isolationist” or “dove” would be most appropriate. Peacenik. Defeatist. Pinko. Hell, you could even go with coward, if you like. It’s not as if there’s a shortage of derogatory terms for people advocating peace, it’s a very common thing to deride, historically speaking. Just go back and look at what people were calling me when I opposed the War on Terror if you need some inspiration.