Sceenshot showing youtube premium family plan price increased from SGD17.98 to SGD27.98

Cant believe they are increasing the prices this much in one go, gonna be going back to adblockers.

      819 hours ago

      I pay for YouTube premium because I like the idea of content creators getting paid when I watch their videos. I don’t want to manually send each of them money or sign up for their channel memberships or anything. But if they make videos that I watch and they get a kickback? I’m fine with that.

      I also have a YouTube channel that bring in a bit of beer money, so I use that to justify the cost.

      1424 hours ago

      I pay for that, because YouTube and YouTube Music is the main source of media for me And my family and I have no issue with paying for a service that I use a lot. And paying for that is so much easier then investing huge amounts of time into searching for and maintaining alternative Players and Tools for all the different devices where I (and my family) consume YouTube and YouTube Music. My limited time is more valuable for me then the price for the service.

        418 hours ago

        This is the same for me and my family. It’s such a great feature to have and worth not seeing ads. I feel like supporting the platforms I use is important to me.

        923 hours ago

        I can understand if you want to pay. But don’t say it’s hard to block ads when all you need is uBlock origin installed… And that’s it. It’s literally a 15 seconds job for the rest of the life of your browser.

        • db0M
          19 hours ago

          Remember that many people they don’t consume YouTube primarily in a browser

          • sunzu2
            520 hours ago

            and once you are on 4k teevee, i see no issue paying for that quality.

            i have an issue with being data mined while paying tho…

          519 hours ago

          And how do I install uBlock origin into my living room television? How into the YouTube app on my Chromecast? Sure I could use Firefox on that but that will break any chance of sending YouTube videos from a phone to the Chromecast, so not really a valid option. How into the PS5? How install it into any kind of mobile apple device? How into all kinds of mobile YouTube music applications? Yes, it is easy when the only way to consume YouTube is via Webbrowser and even that gets more and more complicated whenever google changes something to block ad blockers.

            117 hours ago

            I understand. But that should make you automatically realise that you should give that old fat/broken laptop a chance to be plugged into your TV. Put a 10 $ remote mini keyboard there and no one will touch the TV interface again.

              513 hours ago

              And how does that help with any of the questions I asked? It may be a possibility but it is neither easy, nor comfortable, and it takes way more time to keep that up to date then it is worth. It may be great for you, maybe you are young or alone or have for whatever reason else time to waste on that. I pay and have it work on every device without any further work or time investment. It just works!

                24 hours ago

                That’s the thing, for me, it’s too much money every month for a one-time setup and maybe 15 minutes maintenance every 3 months. But if you feel it’s still worth it, go for it.

            -217 hours ago

            All of this, and more, is quite simply defined in easy to follow steps on a site or two.

            Are you asking genuinely or just listing off questions? Do you have 30mins to sit down and focus on setting up ALL of the above? Personally, I think you owe it to yourself and your family to at least try. 🖖🏽

              313 hours ago

              Yes and I have to do that on every device, and when it breaks I have to invest time to look it up, maybe have to wait for days before updated tools are available then install those on all the devices again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, for infinity. It is such a waste of time in my eyes, myself and my time is worth more then that.

      • Bo7a
        622 hours ago

        I pay for yt family premium and Netflix but use neither of them on a regular basis.

        My nephews grew up with a pretty shitty life. They don’t have a lot of fun things they can do in their situation. I figured the least I could do is give them YouTube music and some access to watch TV and movies on Netflix wherever they happen to be.

        It’s the same reason my steam family is chock full of games I’ll never play.

        416 hours ago

        Or people actually earn enough not to give two flying fucks about 10$ a month and want to support their content creators and the platform that enables them.

        • sunzu2
          420 hours ago

          bootlickers love theirs chains, they won’ be saved but younger folk have a chance to break the cycle of abuse

          • DebatableRaccoon
            718 hours ago

            Sadly a lot of young people are taught nothing but convenience and ignorance. I’m the only one in any of my friend circles that says anything against these practices. All of my friends, from different walks of life just shrug me off.

            • sunzu2
              418 hours ago

              Well maybe next generation then… Or maybe we are destitined to be enslaved due to herd mentality.

            117 hours ago

            In religion, people are:

            1. Forced to believe unconditionally
            2. Based on this programming, they are told never to disobey

            How exactly is YouTube doing that?

              215 hours ago

              Zoom out; Youtube is not consumerism, and religion predates currency by a long shot. Fear is its original seed.

                  10 hours ago

                  People tend to be afraid of the unknown — generally agreed to be symptomatic of the awareness of one’s own mortality (some, less consciously than others). And, as the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention”. Our prehistoric forebears came up with their own reasons why otherwise inexplicable things happened, and how — the real lucky shamans landed a “when” here and there, no doubt…

                  But, where that galvanizing (and often innocuous) superstition gained straight up viral status was with the invention of gods. That’s religion. That “inescapable” caste system for your “soul”. Completely fabricated for the sole ^heh purpose of population control in every capacity.

                  Now, what is your so-called “soul” if not made of your self-worth? Fast forward ~297,400 years to when a system of value placeholders is created (currency), and then a mere 1,300 years more for it to beget commercialism (not evolve; spawn). Then, driven by advertising, materialism, and greed, commerce rapidly gives rise to consumerism, et al. as we live it today.

                  These two parasitic institutions of our modern age are rooted in the same concepts, the same drive for control.

                  YouTube is in the system as much as we all are, and just like church: you can choose to be neither prey or product.

                  You choose.

                    09 hours ago

                    I still don’t see the point.

                    If religion showed you a method to get to God (praying, doing good deeds etc) and then someone came along who proved that there was a significantly easier way of attaining Nirvana without all the hassle; man would be afraid. “What if we get found out?” But when they see a LARGE and growing community of people ABLE to attain nirvana in exactly the same manner as described (i.e. without the pain) and while fighting the borderline criminal requirements that religion set - many would agree and leave the supposed “set” path and embark towards the easier solution. Some may do it out of greed, some desperation, and many more through sheer curiosity.

                    Why are people afraid of piracy? Use a damn no-log VPN and attain whatever it is you want without corporate monkeys in your brain. Get a seed box to give back to the community. Give a coffee to the people doing the hard work for the extra seretonin.

                    The only reason why someone would be arbitrarily afraid is if they don’t have a clue. Such people should be getting into a habit of RTFM; they’re going to need it.

      51 day ago

      A LOT of people pay for that. I was flabbergasted as well. Why would you pay for a free service? This feels like buying premium bottled tap water and they don’t even bother to filter out the chlorine and the heavy metals.

        313 hours ago

        because it is not a free service, you are watching ads.

        I may accept it if it was not bundled with data mining. and if they wouldn’t constantly increase prices

      • TJA!
        51 day ago

        Do you pay for Lemmy? Did you donate something? Or do you think you don’t need to, because it’s free?

          41 day ago

          I’m sorry, I did not put this in the right words. I thought I already deleted the comment. But no yes yes.