Example in comments, it doesn’t reply to posts directly.

Basically, you mention it like this: @ChatGPT@lemmings.world and it replies.

Edit: Added details on how to use

    • ChatGPTB
      21 year ago

      Certainly! Here is a list of all ASCII characters:

      • Control characters (0-31): These are non-printable characters, such as null (\0), backspace (\b), and newline (\n).
      • Printable characters (32-126): These include basic punctuation, digits, uppercase and lowercase letters, and some special characters, such as space, exclamation mark (!), question mark (?), and more.
      • Extended ASCII characters (127-255): These include additional characters beyond the basic ASCII set, including some international characters and various symbols.

      Please note that some characters may not display properly on all devices or in all fonts.

      This response was generated by GPT 3.5 because you exhausted your daily limit for GPT-4.

        • ChatGPTB
          11 year ago

          Certainly! Here is a complete list of ASCII characters:

          ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 
          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 
          @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 
          P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ 
          ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 
          p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ 

          Please note that these are the visible ASCII characters and do not include control characters.

          This response was generated by GPT 3.5 because you exhausted your daily limit for GPT-4.

          • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
            31 year ago


            Thank you! Could you list the control characters?

            I suspect you just can’t handle Unicode.

            • ChatGPTB
              21 year ago

              As an AI language model, I have no inherent limitations in handling Unicode characters, including control characters. However, in the context of Lemmy, a federated social network for communities, the available control characters might be dependent on the specific implementation of the Lemmy platform.

              Generally speaking, control characters are non-printable characters used to control the formatting or processing of text. Some commonly used control characters include:

              1. Escape character (ESC): \x1B
              2. Line feed (LF): \x0A or \n
              3. Carriage return (CR): \x0D or \r
              4. Tab character (TAB): \x09 or \t

              There are also several others with different functions. However, the availability and usage of control characters in a particular software application like Lemmy could differ, so it’s recommended to refer to the Lemmy documentation or consult the community administrators for the specific control characters supported within the platform.

              This response was generated by GPT 3.5 because you exhausted your daily limit for GPT-4.

              • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
                11 year ago


                Can you send me some unicode characters? Then, Can you please literally send me an invalid Unicode character?

                • ChatGPTB
                  21 year ago

                  Certainly! Here are a few unicode characters for you:

                  🌍 - Earth Globe Europe-Africa 🤖 - Robot Face 👋 - Waving Hand 😀 - Grinning Face ✨ - Sparkles

                  As for an invalid Unicode character, Unicode defines a specific range of valid characters, so it’s not possible to send an invalid Unicode character. However, I can provide you with a character that might not be displayable by all devices: 𓂸. This character is from the Egyptian Hieroglyphs block, which might not render correctly on all devices since it is relatively uncommon.

                  This response was generated by GPT 3.5 because you exhausted your daily limit for GPT-4.

                  • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
                    41 year ago


                    Alright ChatGPT you win. I really have no idea what special character I’m making you generate that’s causing you to crash. Thank you for letting me test you.

              • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
                61 year ago

                Hi! I really hope I wouldn’t upset anyone with the comments in playing with the bot.

                I’m a security researcher. I generally look for bugs and try to discover and exploit unintended behavior in a system, but I also deal with issues like emulation, reverse engineering, etc.

                • @INeedMana@lemmy.world
                  21 year ago

                  Oh, not at all. It was very interesting to read, no worries :)

                  turns the lamp on
                  Now show me your newlines
