Warning: This article contains details of animal cruelty that some readers may find distressing.

Another 40 lashes with a wet lettuce leaf for animal cruelty. RSPCA would have spent thousands in dollar terms alone getting this to court, let alone the lost hours cost, and this feral bogan (in a dual cab 4x4 - what a surprise) gets off with a fine that would cost less than one replacement muddy for his sick rig.

After a lengthy investigation involving Parks and Wildlife, RSPCA and witnesses, the man received a “formal warning” and a $718 fine.

  • 𝚝𝚛𝚔OP
    011 months ago

    They’re pretty dangerous if you’re walking or riding around near them.

    How do you figure??

    I feel like I’m crazy pills with people saying they’re dangerous and need to be moved on. They’re about as deadly as a budgiee. If obnoxious noises scare you I hope you don’t live anywhere near a VW Golf or V8 Landcruiser owner.